Thinking of selling your pub, hotel, restaurant, club, coffee shop, investment or development site?

Competitive fees

Our fees are very competitive, and no fee becomes payable until contracts are exchanged for a sale.

National exposure

Where desired, we advertise your property using a range of media including the Morning Advertiser, Rightmove, Zoopla, Businesses For Sale, Daltons, RightBiz, Landsite, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Local exposure

Where appropriate, we seek further exposure through the local press, trade papers and "For Sale" or "To Let" boards.

No upfront charges

We do not require any payment or marketing charge in advance because we expect to sell your property.

Database of buyers

We boast a comprehensive database of active buyers to whom we can instantly send details of your property.

Professional advice

Our highly experienced staff provides unrivalled advice and assistance from the point of first contact until completion, and beyond.

What's Involved?

First Contact

One of our Regional Valuations Managers, unrivalled in their local and regional knowledge of the property market, will discuss your requirements and arrange an appointment to meet.

Market Appraisal

Your Regional Valuations Manager will inspect your property, trade accounts and lease agreement in order to provide you with informed guidance on pricing and saleability.


We will provide you with the draft sales particulars, advertisements and our Terms & Conditions for you to consider in your own time.


Acting on your instructions we will fully expose your business and property to the open market using more advertising portals than any other agent. Potential buyers will be vetted before they view.


Once a buyer has been successfully found and proof of funds received, solicitors will be instructed and the conveyance process managed by Sidney Phillips in order to ensure it moves as swiftly and smoothly as possible.


When contracts have exchanged and monies changed hands, Sidney Phillips and your solicitor will confirm that you have now successfully sold your business/property.